吃猪脚筋的功效: 猪脚筋中含有一些大分子物质如胶原蛋白质、氨基酸等,可以帮助人体补充合成蛋白质,并且还能增强肌肉的弹力,增强体力。据研究表明,长期使用鱼鳔能促进生长发育,消除疲劳,滋润皮肤,增强人体抵抗能力,有着延缓衰老和抵御癌症的功效。 吃猪脚筋的好处: 促进生产发育,富含胶原蛋白,而胶原蛋白是人生长发育的必备物质,可以有效的帮助青少年生长发育。
About Pork Tendon Contains rich proteins and nutrients such as phosphor and calcium. It nourishes yin, replenishes kidney and boosts stamina. It is effective in healing weak lung and kidney, anemia, etc. It is suitable for consumption by any age group of either gender and is a kind of therapeutic food. The most important of all is that it contains high viscosity gel protein and mucopolysaccharide which are important to ladys skincare and capable of preserving fine complexion and invigorating blood circulation. How to store Fried Pork Tender? Store in cool and shaded area or refrigerated. How to prepare before cooking? It require pre-soaking before cooking. - Soak Fried Pork Tender in fresh water for about 10-15 minutes until it soften. Rinse with clean water and it is ready for cooking. - Soaked pork tender should be stored in the refrigerator at below 0 if not cooked.
产品名称:鲜炸 猪脚筋
重量:100g Name of Product: Fried Pork Tendon
Weight: 100g
猪脚筋500g(随意) 虾一斤左右 猪肉250g 蘑菇20小个 小芹菜 葱3条 姜3大片
步骤1 我用的是干的猪脚筋 ,你们可以买外面泡开的猪脚筋,(就可以省略第一个步骤)。把干脚筋放到锅里,3片姜和3条葱(葱要整根)一同放进锅里,下水没过脚筋就可以煮了。滚开了滚几十秒,等脚筋软即可。
步骤2 脚筋煮好了,软了,就把热水倒掉,但葱跟姜别倒掉。开始用冷水浸泡,水要弄一锅满满的,不是大锅哦,浸泡三天。一天换三次水(记得哦,不换水会酸掉,不能吃)。
步骤3 等到第4天要煮了。浸泡好的猪脚筋要洗几遍,洗干净,把一些有黄色的东西撕掉;干蘑菇浸泡热水变软后,洗两遍,切细条;猪肉洗净切细条,虾剥壳。
步骤4 先把蘑菇跟脚筋到高压锅里煮,水适量(我是水大概占满锅里的4分之三)。如果你的脚筋浸泡后足够软,感觉一掐就快碎的话,高压锅一煮开有声音,你可以再煮多一分钟就关;如果脚筋浸泡后不是很软,刚刚好的话,就高压锅煮开后再转中小火煮5到10分钟 步骤5 等开锅再把虾跟猪肉一起下去煮,煮到开了,下鸡粉跟盐即可,撒些芹菜末。
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